In Studio Home/Barn
Pilates Private: 1 hour $105 $130*
Pilates Group Class: 1 hour $30/person $30/person**
Equestrian Off Horse Evaluation: 1.5 hours $125 $150*
Equestrian On Horse Evaluation: 1 hour $105 $130*
On/Off Horse Evaluation Combo: 2 hours $240*
Equestrian Pilates ½ Day Clinic: 4 hours $65/person*
+ On-the-Horse Evaluations 45 minutes/person $45/person*
- no auditing for Clinics
- 4 person minimum for Equestrian Pilates ½ Day Clinic
- 8 person maximum for On Horse Evaluations during ½ day clinic
-minimum indicates price not client number, i.e. if there are 3 clinic participants, the cost of the clinic would still be the price for 4 participants.
- Hotel/food allowance $125/night if needed
*travel = 30 miles or less one way from Fayetteville $15
= 31+ miles from Fayetteville $.35/mile up to 400 miles + round-trip
i.e. Downtown Fayetteville to downtown Tulsa = 111mi round-trip= 222($.35)= $77
= 400+ miles from Fayetteville by special arrangement (drive or fly?)
i.e. Downtown Fayetteville to downtown Dallas = 336mi round-trip = 672mi
** 3 person or $75 minimum for group classes in home/barn, includes cost of travel within 30 miles